Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Young Darth Vader

Upon first seeing this video, Its impossible to not want to replay it at least once more. The young Darth Vader in this video it truely loved by his dad (and mom) who really brightend his day. There is not much gender interaction in this video except between the mother and the child when she attempts once to cheer up her child, yet fails. And once again when the father and the mother exchange glances at one another, kind of saying "Ha, I knew just what to do to cheer him up." These interactions are normal for the 21st century family. Although the Darth Vader character is from the Star Wars saga, which is over 30 years old, it is a classic and is widely know. So if the person viewing the video was not born during the time Star Wars was more popular, their parents were probably fans and they have still most likely heard a little bit about the character.

Saturday, November 26, 2011


                Justin Biebers music video “Baby” is a fast-paced, upbeat song, about a boy who is chasing after his girlfriend and is trying to get her back. In this video, the genders interact in a typical way. The boy chases the girl and both genders “show off” their dance moves in an attempt to impress each other. In the 21st century, teens don’t usually meet in a bowling alley, but usually meet at places like school, the mall, or through their other friends. This may indicate that they already were friends just out having a good time. If this is true, then the video is realistic in how it portrays teenagers and how they interact.
                The merging of the two genre’s (Bieber: pop, and Ludacris: rap) indicates that the music industry is trying out a new way to gain fans; combining Bieber, a fairly new artist, with Ludacris, a well known rapper. And as popular as this video is, it seems like it worked.